read my poetry

Hey! look at all the poetry I've wrote:

(that I like)

Tears for the Spotted Lantern Fly

a victim named invader
brought here by blood traders
her name inspires hatred
she doesn t exist but for hunger
and under a hundred red home made shoe
dies scared, sad, and alone

all while you search deep in yourself
to taste the joy that is malice
oh worshipper of cruelty, on the beautiful throne
but that chair will melt and put to the dropper
taken 4 times a day .2mL till autumn

and as your shiny red shoe, crushes someone like you
and under the bottom you can picture yourself
which makes this act okay when it s just you
and the creature you have proven lesser
is due for extinction but will never become horrid fiction

because people are here
and humans dont leave so easily
so love thy neighbor
and commit this moral transaction
for another s reaction
not because it s right but
you love being right

However if you doubt that sin is made of spider s dreams
and don t rejoice in the world s justice
this poem is not meant for you
just the bitter little things, under shiny red shoe

A Tree

if a tree fell in the forest and no one was around would it even make a sound?
what about a person, if someone died and no one cared would it matter?
it s hard to be completely unnoticeable nowadays, everyone is connected
like the roots of trees and in a web of people it s hard for others to know if you can actually tell when they fall

trees notice
they notice when your roots get torn up and wrought from the earth
and they notice when you don t send any nutrients
or when there s just a little too much water left after a rain
and all the dirts too loose to comfortably rest their own roots
and they wonder if you ve absorbed enough water
or if the sun is treating you right
and they ll talk about the fungi that leeched from your skin
and cry over the birds who made you to a home
and they ll miss the rustle of your leaves

yet despite their sorrow, a tree can never pick another tree up once she s fallen
and sometimes i run a branch through the rustling leaves atop my head

A deer in the headlights

he stands there
unaware of the path we all set out
go this way and you will be safe
challenge this raging river
and you will be swept up and left to bleed on the side of the road
instead stunned by the glowing revelation
now light has been brought that he goes the wrong way
and if you found out you weren t going there right way
as defined by all others
wouldn t you be stunned to?
so that you might one day end up bleeding on the side of the road


One seed, watered with all the hatred and anger in the world.
From the final breath of a slain soldier
To the first tears in years, from a boy who hears of his father’s falling

Anger that swells up a to strike a lover Anger at one’s self from disgrace to another

The bitter tears that form from abuse
The sweet revenge built up for too many years

The rallied people, against one evil race
The innocent child, in mother’s embrace

The blurred line between anger and passion
And the it’s roots, in fear and the irrational

An un fair game, that caused dispute
And accusal from friends who wont lose

All of these things great or not
Root this flower into the world
And theres nothing to do


Would you shake your past self s hand?
Do you wash your hands after taking out her trash?

Standing Post

i live, hand in hand, next to you
through blistering heat and rigid frost
your cool demeanor warmed my nights
and when winds blew, you stood solemn
but your glances said, i care about you

now time has flown, and love rusts
for the first time, i bring you to your knees
and its the first time, you ve felt so heavy
and people will come, and move you away
and through my embrace, you will slip
and another must take your place

but for now, i can feel your heart
its slowing down
but you ll never slip
from my heart
as a part of us, can t rust away
the time we ve shared standing post

Alone with you

I feel alone with you
i can be as vulnerable with you as i can an empty room
i can cry and dance and mess up with you
and I d be as embarrassed as i would be in an empty room
I am alone with you
and it is beautiful

Some Girl

There she goes
Some girl with curly hair
Done up in a half blond pony tail

Half blue shirt
Half white, cropped to show
Off faded abs and the waist she has

The chain from
Her black skirt, clinks as
Her boots stomp across a well worn sidewalk

Mismatched shoe laces
To fit her asymmetrical theme
Flutters in the wind, because theyre too long

She walks with
Her tired gait as her
Theme is highlighted by her half pretty face

In my head

In my head theres a girl
My perfect idea
The prettiest in the whole world

Her hair is long and flows
Golden throughout with
A splash of color and shine

Small and frail, with striking eyes
Full of vibrance
Bits of heaven in her eyes

Shes charming and smooth, a lot
Cooler than me
Makes friends easily, more than me

Pale, nimble, she d be booksmart too
Quick to learn
While wearing an alabaster smile

She d know how to dress and
Know her makeup
The problem is, she s not me

So i cry but i know
She s not me
She s not me. She s not me

A giant's walk home

A long day has passed, and i have grown weary
I leave friends and endure the trek
And another beautiful path adorns my walk home

The air is bitter, and small wolves ride her back
They nip my fingers like dogs do
Dont mind the cold on my walk back

Beetles scurry across marked paths. Red black blue and white
Painted across every back. With glowing eyes
They travel to somewhere i do not know

Ants scurry beside my feet. Enduring wolves with bubbled clothes
Their mounds provide an abode, rare materials
Adorn such a home. Colors matching the beetles

Feathered bugs sing across ant-craft wires, warming themselves up
Wolves cant reach that high, higher than
I could reach. Sitting so pretty those bugs

Once green flowers, old homes for bugs stand naked and
Bitter. Cruel gnarled branches reach to wires as
if trying to grab their old feathered inhabitants

How cold you must be. I say hopeless to save
A single flower from their cold heart
Enjoy the bright sun, once pretty green flowers


An alarm cries in my ears
Something wraps around my phone
And drags it to my face

Silencing the alarm, it looks disgusting
Huge, spindly, a grotesque spider
The beast contorts to my will

I stare for a second, fazed
I glance at our link
Thick, strong, my arm binds us

Another spider dances across my arm
I feel my muscles ripple
Under my skin. Just as gross

The spider dances up and across
Bone stretching muscle and skin
She drags her keratin fangs across

Too scared and soft to draw blood
My hand moves center ways
A long finger grazes my voice.

I dare not speak a word
Or razorblades will fall from
My mouth and scar my ears

Silent i look at my self
I fester upon my flesh
I cannot think beyond my body

I wish i didnt wake up
But i did, so i
Start the next day, somehow alive


An angel hides behind a waterfall
Clouds and stars adorn her chest
A pair of wings unfold, slender arms outstretched
The epitome of beauty returns to heaven

Mortal, i lay withered
Under warm water rolling down my shoulders
Prickles poke from under my skin
Wreathed in worked arms, my chest flutters
From my back, two weak wings hang from my back
For an instance, i am the epitome of beauty